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Humanity is eating itself into a perilous place.

of all human-caused greenhouse emissions now come from the food we eat.
of the world's population aged five years and older will be overweight or obese by 2035.

Food is the problem. It could be the solution.

Lack of time, tools and money has, understandably, seen us increasingly turn to low-quality convenience food. And the health of our planet and ourselves is suffering.

But by helping millions of people make better food choices, we believe we can change the trajectory of human and planetary health. No pressure then…

Our impact so far.

82% of our users say they eat better with Cherrypick
58% of our users now cook more from scratch
70% of our users now eat more plants
Users eat 26% less ultra-processed foods since using Cherrypick
53% of our users eat less ready meals
90% of users try new foods and cuisines
Our users save 59,000kg of CO2 each year by eating less meat alone

A note from
our founder.

You know the saying, if you can’t take the heat then... 
build an app to do it for you?

I came up with the idea for Cherrypick when my son, Freddie, arrived rudely early during one of the busiest periods of my life. In those chaotic first days, my wife and I couldn’t make it to the supermarket, so we tried our first online shop. Two hours later, and after more tears from us than Freddie, I thought there must be a better way.

I imagined a smart shopping assistant that could sort the meal-planning and order the shopping for us in seconds. As the idea took over my head, I jumped out of my job as COO of Monzo, joined forces with my tech co-founder, Chris, and Cherrypick was born.

However, our mission is about more than just saving time. As things stand, half of the global population will be overweight or suffer from obesity by 2035. People aren’t to blame - the culprit is convenience food: ready-meals and take-aways packed with ultra-processed, calorie-dense ingredients. Today’s version of convenience is, quite literally, killing us.

So, our hope is to create a new version of convenience, where it’s as easy to eat well as it is to eat badly. Simply cooking with real food is a great start on the path to escaping microwave meal mediocrity and ultra-processed uglies.

We’ve already had over 200,000 households join us. If we can help millions of families to eat better, we believe we can change the trajectory of human health.

Thanks for coming on the journey with us. Let’s do this.

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However, our mission is about more than just saving time. As things stand, half of the global population will be overweight or suffer from obesity by 2035. People aren’t to blame - the culprit is convenience food: ready-meals and take-aways packed with ultra-processed, calorie-dense ingredients. Today’s version of convenience is, quite literally, killing us.

So, our hope is to create a new version of convenience, where it’s as easy to eat well as it is to eat badly. Simply cooking with real food is a great start on the path to escaping microwave meal mediocrity and ultra-processed uglies.

We’ve already had over 200,000 households join us. If we can help millions of families to eat better, we believe we can change the trajectory of human health.

Thanks for coming on the journey with us. Let’s do this.

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Helping the world eat better effortlessly.

Cook from scratch with real food.

We believe eating better starts with scratch-cooking. Less ultra-processed foods. Less money on deliveroo. More fun over mealtimes. It’s on us to make people fall in love with cooking again.

Better for you and the planet too.

Reducing food waste and switching up meat for veg sometimes isn't just great for the health of the planet. It makes for a healthier, wealthier you, too. Yes, eating better every day is a delicious win-win-win.

Make eating well as easy as eating badly.

It’s an ambitious goal. And we’re not there yet. Far from it in fact. But by combining the power of technology with our knowledge of food, we’ll continue to reduce the time and effort it takes to shop and cook meals.

Every shop donates
a school meal.

We've partnered with One Feeds TwoTM to donate one school meal to a child living in poverty for every shop. Together, we can help end hunger with hunger.

One small step for how we shop, one giant leap for not all moving to Mars.

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